erm..gtaw awal2 nih,,aku nk ktuk M..hehehe..WTF!!!..M mmg babi...tau r ko tue **biro akademik v6 family...jgn r smpi dlm blog pn nk lecture,,da busan aku lcture smpai rabu khamis jumaat ak cancel lcture..hoho....tgk tu..lam gmbr pun,biro akademik sorg ni mmg kne dpan nye.pastu da dpt title plg pandai(n pling kaye!!hak8) ckp kitorg gitu lak... aku taw r ko kt sne blaja sorg2(cm roommate ko tu,meo)hehehe..jgn mara ek~o ye lg stu, M ni klu nk tau r, die da plan lame da nk ngene kn aku..ade ke die ajak aku weekend ni nek moto die tu g kl nk amek kete die,mcm le aku xtau tga2 jln t die nk tggalkn aku..hahaha.M cipai r!!...(^^ )tp bujang hine mmg best r, pdhal ak bru je sem ni je start lepak2 ngn drg nih..sem lepas yg aku rapat pon ngn eD, haa tu psal tyme zmn2 brcinte dlu,asyik pnjam kete die je..hohohohoo..n ayie n didit psal drg member tyme zmn skola dlu..then..byk gak r aku miss dorg ni,g genting last sem aku x dpt ikut.....haa.... tp dis sem ktrg.....
*g lepak2 kt teluk batik dr pg smpai dowh!!haha...pdn muke M lg, x dpt g~~kui3..tggjwb lg penting kn..btol222...
**g sungkai, found da team camp..haa!!mmg havoc gler r team bujang hine kt sane...awal2 smpai,b4 briefing lg,ktorg da bentang tikar dpan chief tuh..hakhak...lg2,aku sian btul tgk team len(gen nye psal...die wat die nye cheer die!!ktorg SUPPORT!!!hakhakhak)ayie lg *cipai, gelak mamat wat kude kepang tuh!!!...serious best
***hidup aku yg pling awesome r tyme sem ni ngn dorg..serious shit best gler beb!!
****haa!!lg2..korg ingt kt umah je ke ade open house...kitorg wat open room kot!!tp kuih raye mmg mewah gler r,byk gler!!
*****salam conner tu jgn ckp r,da bosan kot ane tu nengok kitorg nie,,tyap2 mlm nk dtg kedai die!
******g dr polis(ngn meo je kot dlu2)..g lepak datarn pg2 bute..byk lg r..hehe
*******n bufday cake must b secret recipe alldtyme..kcuali didit`s upcoming bufday..hehe..ade suprise r,,,len ckit~~
ape aku nk ckp lg ek?! o ye,bg pihak M, die kate sume study leklok r kalo nk jd biro cm die>>pe,bis,ict,chemy,mechy,ee...mcm2 part kite ni,bole kate lengkap r..cume cv je xde...ngntok ah..nk ckp pe lg?!
neway,thanx a lot to bujang hine n d most part is to eD,as abg long..byk support jga x dilupekan 17 org bujang2 ni,,
upcoming event-----cuti sem kt pulau tioman..yok2..kite gegar pulau tu ckit!!
btw, aku addy...(carik r dlm gmbr ats tu.mne aku?!hehe)
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